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Equity in Action Summit

April 2, 2022

11:00 AM-2:00 PM ET
This one-day virtual event brings together K-12 Computer Science teachers by calling them to action to provide a more inclusive computer science environment for ALL students, transform their approach to providing equitable CS education rooted in justice, and engage in strategies to equip educators and advocates with resources on representation, access, and culturally sustaining pedagogies.

This one-day virtual event brings together K-12 Computer Science teachers by calling them to action to:

  • provide a more inclusive computer science environment for ALL students
  • transform their approach to providing equitable CS education rooted in justice
  • and engage in strategies to equip educators and advocates with resources on representation, access, and culturally sustaining pedagogies.

Sessions for this summit will be focused on four strands:

  • ACCESS + ibility
  • Representation
  • Removing Barriers in CS
  • Student Voice/Power
Presented by the CSTA Equity Fellows.